Vulval Dermatology in Primary Care

Vulval Dermatology in Primary Care

Taking place on Monday the 7th and Monday the 28th of April from 13:00 - 14:00.
Please note there are two sessions for this topic, both will need to be attended. The booking will automatically register you for both sessions.

Vulval symptoms are common in women’s health, but clinicians’ confidence in this area can be variable.  Many of the clinical team will be seeing patients daily for appointments where patients will report symptoms, e.g. cervical screening appointments, and this session hopes to raise awareness of certain conditions to aid these patient interactions.

Please join Dr Steph Manton, GP Multi-Professional Educator and GP with an interest in Women’s Health and Member of the British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease (BSSVD), for this interactive educational series focused on vulval skin conditions.  The series introduces the audience to the presentation, diagnosis and management of several inflammatory skin conditions commonly seen in the Primary Care setting.  Conditions discussed will include Lichen Sclerosus, Lichen Planus, Vulval Dematitis, Vulval Psoriasis and Vulvovaginal Candidiasis, amongst others.

This topic will be delivered over two one-hour sessions.  The sessions are delivered on different dates and you are required to attend both to complete the CPD requirements.

By the end of this series you will be able to:

  • Recall your knowledge of female genital anatomy and the range of what is ‘normal’
  • Summarise how to take a ‘vulval history’ and how to examine effectively
  • Explain the presentation and management of vulval inflammatory skin conditions commonly presenting in Primary Care
  • Feel confident about when and where to refer to secondary care
  • Facilitate support for your patient’s diagnosis and journey with resources and guides

This series is suitable for any Primary Care Clinician seeing female patients or patients with vulvae. 
This includes GPs, GPNs, ACPs, Clinical Pharmacists, NAs, PAs, Paramedics, Pelvic physiotherapists, GP trainees and Nursing students.


Delivered via Training Hub Learning Management System (LMS)

Click Here for the Online LMS Registration Guide

Click here for the LMS guide on how to join the meeting 

For support and enquiries please email

  • Date
  • 07/04/2025
    1.00 pm
    H&W Learning Managment System (LMS)
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If you would like to book multiple people at one time, please ensure each individual has an account and you can see them when you login.
If you don't see this as an option please contact the Training Hub to request permissions to be added to your account.

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