SBAR Training
Requires registration and organisation code:
To register for the SBAR Communication in Care Homes programme, select the Register button. Select the option ‘I am a care home or hospice worker’ then enter your care home / hospice name or postcode and select it from the options available in the drop-down list. Finally enter your care home / hospice registration code and select ‘Register’. You may need to see your employer to get this code.
If your employer does not have a code, then they need to contact the e-LfH Support Team. The support team can either give the employer the registration code or arrange a bulk upload of all staff.
SBAR Communication in Care Homes
General Covid-19 Training Packages Suitable for Care Workers
Free training requires registration if certification required or access without login. This packages includes all basic observations such as taking a pulse. Certification is available on completion.
Links to Local Authority information:
*Coming Soon Tissue Viability Information*
NEWS 2 Training
Will require registration from organisation at either:
NEWS2 - Skills for Health
NEWS 2 - OCB Media
NEWS 2 documentation:
(If you have an account this can be accessed freely and without a code on OCB media site so use second link)
NEWS2 Clinical Response Triggers
Verification of death and difficult conversations information – Hospice approved documents:
Verification of Expected Death
Guidance on mouthcare for end of life patients:
Guidance of Palliative Care - Oral Care
reducing risk for Covid-19 and mouthcare
Risk assessment chart: